Frequently Asked Questions

Most Frequent Questions

Orders are processed within 48 hours after being placed. How soon you receive your first lead will depend on the demographics of the location you provided.

How quickly your order is filled depends completely on the population of the counties you provided. We HIGHLY recommend to have an area of AT LEAST 200k population.

All of our leads include the following: First & last name, phone, email, state, city, zip code, address, dob, age and gender. 

SEO stands for search engine optimization. Which means our leads are generated through organic and paid advertisement online. Clients organically search for related product or reach the page by a form of advertisement.

Our pricing is significantly less than the vast amount of lead providers and one reason is we do not offer returns. We adjusted our price model accordingly to compensate our clients for lead discrepancies. We only issue refunds for incomplete information.

All of our leads are 90 day TCPA compliant. In some cases you may receive a do not contact from us if the client reaches out on our site.

Yes, we can deliver leads to almost any crm. We do require that a client has been purchasing leads from us for a significant period of time or is purchasing in large volume. We determine this per use case.